Known as ‘Baghbari’ ("tiger house"), this house is located in the dense urban fabric of old Dhaka. The famous Sat Rawja mosque is on the south, while on the east side is the busy Abul Hasnat Road with its shops and restaurants.
Built around the 1920s, the house is also called ‘Haturia House’ named after the zamindari area in southern Bangladesh where the family had an estate. The owner and builder of the house was a member of the then Indian Civil Service, and a prominent member of the old Dhaka elite. The property was designated as a waqf estate with the grandson of the original owner as “muttawali”. The house with its compound and the original owning family with a rich history retains much of the flavor of old Dhaka as it was about hundred years ago.
Nasir Khan Saikat
Nasir Khan Saikat
Kabir House is one of the few private properties built in the early 1950’s, amidst the government housing and staff quarters on Eskaton Road. Placed in between a large lawn on the south and a orchard in the north, the asymmetrical looking house was designed to accommodate a large family on two floors with spacious verandahs and common spaces. After the 1960s, the house was developed to accommodate a growing family. Remained unused for years, the appeal surrounding the house is withering, just like the house itself. And yet, Kabir House still remains as a place that is enriched by the past memories of its inhabitants.
![Revati Mohan Das House Virtual Tour](/images/2022/11/11/cover-rebati-mohan-house-1_thumbnail.jpg)
Nasir Khan Saikat
An elaborate mansion on the banks of the former Dholai Khal in Sutrapur area, the Revati Mohan Das Lodge represents a special type of house built by the wealthy citizens of early 20th century Dhaka. With the first house built in 1900 in a neo-Classical architectural style by the rich businessman Revati Mohan Das, and extended with a second house in 1942 by the son Hemendra Kumar Das, the Revati Mohan Das Lodge is now a noteworthy heritage building. The owners of the house played an illustrious role in the political and economic life of the city. The elder Revati Mohan Das was a successful businessman who dealt in investment and various enterprises and contributed to numerous philanthropic projects in the city. Revati Mohan’s son Satyendra Kumar Das was the chairman of Dhaka Municipality for two terms, and younger son Hemendra Kumar Das was the mayor of Mymensingh Municipality for a number of years.
![Revati Mohan Das House (Old House) Virtual Tour](/images/2022/11/11/cover-rebati-mohan-house-2_thumbnail.jpg)
Nasir Khan Saikat
An elaborate mansion on the banks of the former Dholai Khal in Sutrapur area, the Revati Mohan Das Lodge represents a special type of house built by the wealthy citizens of early 20th century Dhaka. With the first house built in 1900 in a neo-Classical architectural style by the rich businessman Revati Mohan Das, and extended with a second house in 1942 by the son Hemendra Kumar Das, the Revati Mohan Das Lodge is now a noteworthy heritage building. The owners of the house played an illustrious role in the political and economic life of the city. The elder Revati Mohan Das was a successful businessman who dealt in investment and various enterprises and contributed to numerous philanthropic projects in the city. Revati Mohan’s son Satyendra Kumar Das was the chairman of Dhaka Municipality for two terms, and younger son Hemendra Kumar Das was the mayor of Mymensingh Municipality for a number of years.
Nasir Khan Saikat
In a sparsely populated Dhaka of the 1960s, this one storied residence in Dhanmondi was built to provide an enhanced quality of life to its residents. Built as a bungalow-type house facing a green lawn and a spacious porch on the south, it was evidently designed to let the occupants connect the indoors with the outdoors, through the lawn, surrounding greenery and ambient environment. The house remains as a rare example of a bungalow type house from the past while the surrounding landscape has transformed immensely due to construction of multi storied apartments.
Nasir Khan Saikat
The house is expressive of a modern language adapted to the tropical climate and requirements of Dhaka. Typical of houses for the upper middle class who were serving a new government in the 1950s and have started to live in newer parts of Dhaka, the house represents the beginning of a new residential type and lifestyle. Today, the building is a quiet hidden residence in the midst of overwhelming high rise buildings. The Rajshahi House is distinctive for its openness and connection to the surrounding landscape. Designed by Arjun Roy, an architect from Calcutta, the house was built in 1957 for the family of Murtaza Reza Chowdhury, a well-known political personality who was a member of the Bengal and Pakistan Assembly and state minister in the central government of Pakistan.
Nasir Khan Saikat
বাংলায় লেখা ‘ভার্চ্যুয়াল ট্যুর’। মাউসের এক ক্লিকেই শুরু হলো ত্রিমাত্রিক (থ্রিডি) ভ্রমণ। এল বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমানের স্মৃতিস্তম্ভ। চেনা স্মৃতিস্তম্ভের অবস্থান ধানমন্ডির পুরোনো ৩২ নম্বর সড়কের পাশে। যার পেছনে ধানমন্ডি লেক। বৃক্ষশোভিত প্রকৃতি। মাউস নাড়িয়ে ঘুরে দেখি স্মৃতিস্তম্ভ চত্বর। তখনই দৃষ্টি কাড়ে পর্দার ‘সাউন্ড’ সংকেতটি। সেখানে চাপ দিতেই নারীকণ্ঠ ভেসে আসে। প্রাঞ্জল বাংলায় সে কণ্ঠ জানায়, স্মৃতিস্তম্ভটির অবস্থান বঙ্গবন্ধু শেখ মুজিবুর রহমান স্মৃতি জাদুঘরের সম্মুখে। জাতীয় দিবসসহ বিভিন্ন সময় যেখানে রাষ্ট্রপতি, প্রধানমন্ত্রীসহ সর্বস্তরের মানুষের শ্রদ্ধা নিবেদনের জন্য আসেন।
Nasir Khan Saikat
Beneficiary Profile Database, The European Union’s Food Security programme in Bangladesh February 2012 to November 2014.
Nasir Khan Saikat
Food and Livelihood Security project funded by Europian Union.